We want to recognize schools utilizing all aspects of the 5-Star Students program to increase involvement on their campuses. By striving to meet the diamond school criteria, a school will become more organized and aware of student participation throughout the year. Becoming a 5-Star Students Diamond School is an accomplishment that deserves recognition and will take your school to next the level of spirit and involvement in activities!
Administer the Interests Survey
Use a point system for activities or events
Offer incentives or rewards for involvement
Track at least 4 different types of activities
Administer at least 1 voting poll
Administer at least 1 feedback survey for an event or activity
Establish school web page to promote your involvement program
Establish points leaderboard for individuals to access their point totals
Track an average of 3 school events per month
Track participation in at least 80% of school activities
Complete all Diamond School criteria
Submit request for Diamond School consideration
Submit to yearly check on progress
Featured on 5-Star Students website and newsletters
Receive Diamond School recognition window cling
Receive Diamond School award plaque