Watsonville High School

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How to get points...

Watsonville Wildcatz ROAR!



When you are...Points
R - Respectful5 Points
O - Optimism5 Points
A - Accepting5 Points
R - Responsible5 Points
ROAR5 Points
What can that look like?


  • Arrive to class on time
  • Be responsible with your electronics
  • Picking up/Cleaning up after yourself
  • Positive class behavior and attitude
  • Showing respect to all Wildcatz
  • Attending School Events
  • Showing school spirit

PointsPrize Options
15Stickers (5 Sticker Grab)
Free Choice of seating for the period *+ (Limit 5 per year)
30Front of the Line pass for Cafeteria/Catz Paws (Limit 5 per year)
30Homework Pass (Limit 5 per year)
30One correct answer on a test *+
50WHS Ticket to Sporting Event
50"Please Do Not Call on Me" for the Period Pass *+
50ROAR Parking Pass for a Week
50Positive Phone Call Home from Teacher *
5015 minute break to use electronics in class *+
5015 minute "mental health break" pass to use in class *+
75Tardy Pass (up tp 10 minutes late pass)*+
75Positive Phone Call home from Administrator
75 Ticket to School Dance
75ROAR Socks
100ROAR Beanie
150"Buy" a Wednesday School+
150ROAR Tote Bag
150ROAR T-Shirt
200ROAR Crew Neck Shirt
250ROAR Hoodie
300Administrator for the Day*
300Security for the Day*
400SRO (School Resource Officer) for the Day*
  • *Selection requires communication, approval, and arrangement with the staff/teacher prior to redemption.

  • +Pass must be pre-purchased prior to claiming with teacher


Please note, selections will be updated on the website for what is available. Ordering and supplies will occur throughout the year.

Points will not roll over next year, so save up, but redeem your rewards either online (pre-order and it will be delivered once a week) or on our ROAR Redemption Days after school.


Points Lookup