Vista Murrieta High School

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CLASS! The goal of this program will be to get more students involved and reward those students who are already involved. 

For this Upcoming year points will be given out as follows:

Clubs: 20 points each up to 5 clubs

Sports: 50 points each

Leadership/scholastic clubs: 50 points

Performing arts: 50 points

Attending scanned sporting event: 10 points

Attending Game of the Season: 20 points

Other events will be scanned and points given to be determined later



Prizes will be given out throughout the year for achieving point totals and being involved.

Prizes may include:

Free Food

Special Prizes from BBC

Special BBC recognition

Front row seats at the football games

Prizes will also be given out to the top few Broncos of each class

Top Individuals
ID Points
956020789 270
956013887 265
956035541 260
956044857 221
956067360 220
956024843 220
956048949 220
956012433 220
956040780 215
956025003 210
Grade Levels
Grade Points
12 32,561
9 32,179
11 28,254
10 25,895
Points Lookup