Tumwater High School

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Welcome to Tumwater High School's 5 Star Student program

T-Birds! Let's embrace T-bird pride and spirit. Let's celebrate individual achievement as well as recognize school pride! Tumwater's 5 Star Students coalition encourages students to participate in activities, support their classmates in events, and step out of their comfort zone to really enjoy their short Tumwater experience. High school goes by quick and one word of advice graduates give is "do more." Enjoy your years as a Thunderbird!



What are T-Bird Points and how do I earn them?


 Sports  Point Value
Football 50
Volleyball 60
Tennis  70
Soccer 70
Basketball 60
Baseball 60
Softball             70
Track 60
Cross Country90

*All Performing Arts Events are worth 100 Points*


How else can I earn Points?

  • Participating in Spirit Week costumes
  • Class Competitions during Assemblies
 Reward - Recognition T-Bird Points
 5 Star Parking Spot Top Student Earner
 $25 Gift Card of Winners choice 2nd place Earner
 $25 Gift Card to McDonald's 3rd Place Earner
T-Bird Sweatshirt4th Place Earner

 T-Bird Athletic Shirt

 5th Place Earner
 $10 Gift Card to Dutch bros 6th Place Earner
 1 GALLON bag of Sour Patch Kids 7th Place Earner

*Top Earners may choose their prizes*

Top Individuals
ID Points
1003648 270
1002701 90
1002359 90
997452 20
997441 20
997477 20
1251793 20
1265922 5
1260180 5
1259223 0
Grade Levels
Grade Points
9 450
11 80
10 5
12 5
Points Lookup