El Capitan Middle School

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Soar Points Rewards List

El Capitan Rewards List

(Redeem SOAR points in E-2 at Break on Friday) 



5 Points- Top Shelf of Prize Cart

10 Points- Middle Shelf of Prize Cart

15 Points- Bottom Shelf of Prize Cart

20 Points- Snack Bar pass for Hot Chocolate 

40 Points- Lanyard

50 Points- Dance Ticket

60 Points- Drawstring Bag

100 Points- Spirit Wear Shirt OR 6th Period Day on the Green (must qualify to attend)

600 Points- 8th Grade Water Park Trip (must qualify to attend)


SOAR Points Available



(Must meet activity participation for example- must complete sport season)


Some ways you can earn points-

Get caught wearing your ID and Lanyard- 1pt

Dress up days-2pts


Club 10pts

EL Camp 15pts

Student of the Month 20pts

Newcomer Class 20pts

VAPA Events 5pts

Sports 30pts


Top Individuals
ID Points
8042529 180
8047161 175
8053559 95
8043947 50
8047288 50
8046745 50
8046820 45
8047163 40
8046067 40
8043095 35
Grade Levels
Grade Points
8 1,245
7 615
Points Lookup