Dundee-Crown High School

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Chargers are Respectful, Responsible, and Positive

During the 2022-2023 school year, Dundee-Crown is revitalizing the 5-Star to reward students for being exemplary members of the community (Think Harry Potter: 10-Points to Mr. Longbottom!)


If you don't have the app already, click this link to download it on your iPhone or Android phone.


5-Star enables you to earn points for exceeding behavior and academic expectations and for getting involved in school activities.

Check out all our school clubs and activities here at dcchargers.org


Want to know how to earn points and what you can spend them on?

Scroll Down!


Earn Points


Daily ways to earn

Charger Proud Behavior! - 1 Pt.

Attend a club meeting - 1 Pt.

Go to subject tutoring - 1 Pt.

Charger of the Week Nomination - 1 Pt.

Attend a designated event - 2 Pts.

Weekly ways to earn

Charger of the Week Winner - 10 Pts.

Quarterly ways to earn

GPA 2.0-2.99 & No F's - 10 Pts.

GPA 3.0-3.99 & No F's - 15 Pts.

GPA 4.0 & No F's - 20 Pts.

Seasonal Activity - 50 Pts./Season

Spend Points


 Chips – 15 Pts.  Crackers – 15 Pts.
Candy – 20 Pts.
Drinks  – 20 Pts.
 Charger T-Shirt - 125 Pts.
(subject to availability)


Pass to have food delivered from outside restaurant or fast-food
(you still have to pay for it) - 200pts

VIP parking spot for a week - 130pts

Serving as teacher's aid for a class of your choice - 30pts

Your name read as a Charger Pride Champion in the morning announcements - 20pts


*this information is subject to change without notice


Grade Levels
Grade Points
12 74,800
9 69,631
10 66,138
11 53,496
Points Lookup