Sierra Vista Junior High

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Welcome, Sierra Vista Students to our new and improved SUCCEED program- this system maintains your digital SUCCEED points! 


Students may earn SUCCEED points from SV staff for showing SV's SUCCEED values in academics, citizenship, school spirit, and wellness.

Students may be awarded points for showing academic improvement, strong perseverance and hard work in classes, showing SUCCEED values on-campus, working with their counselors, demonstrating support for classmates, having positive attendance, getting to class on time and having no tardies, principal honor roll/recognition for improvement at end of a grading period, and showing SV school spirit. 


Log into your 5 Star Student Account to see the list of amazing incentives that are waiting for you as you demonstrate SUCCEED! All you have to do is log in by using your school email address and receiving a code to sign in.



All rewards are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. They are subject to availability and can be changed, modified, canceled, or added at any time by SV school administration.

This year we will have the 5-Star Student Store open in the MPR every other Friday for you to come and spend your 5-Star Student points on lots of great prizes!

Stay tuned for when the 5-Star Student Store will be open!



Top Individuals
ID Points
99070838 395
99070710 363
99070667 318
99071566 285
99071826 278
99063944 268
99063724 249
99072900 244
99070442 234
99066275 223
Grade Levels
Grade Points
7 9,129
8 4,247
Points Lookup