Rolling Hills Middle School

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At Rolling Hills Middle School we are responsible, honorable, mature, and safe Bobcats. RHMS is in the early stages of implementing a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports system to make the school a welcoming and safe space to learn. Through our incentive program, we hope to increase positive behavior within our student body. Students on our campus earn points when they embody one of our core values (Responsible, Honorable, Mature, Safe).

Ways to earn points:

  • Asking questions during class time that deepen your learning
  • Attending school activities, club meetings, workshops, participating in sports activities

More opportunities coming soon!


You can redeem your points during our redemption days. Some of the prizes include:

Bobcat Gear

  • T-Shirts
  • RHMS Hoodies
  • Lanyards
  • Waterbottles
  • Baseball Cap

School Supplies

  • Backpack
  • Pencils

Gift Cards

  • Yogurtland
  • Green Valley Cinema



Top Individuals
ID Points
3501963 2005
291635 1886
422240 1844
282177 1745
282243 1740
3501954 1725
3501993 1717
3501926 1710
282228 1682
704812 1681
Points Lookup