Mills Middle School

Welcome Mustangs!
Hi Mustangs - Welcome to 5 Star! This is how we will be checking/updating your digital Mills Bills! Your Mills Bills are listed above as points. So points = Mills Bills! The last Monday of the month, you will be able to shop at our online student store to purchase items and/or experiences with Mills Bills during Advisory. Items will be delivered at the end of 6th period on that Friday.
Top Individuals
ID | Points |
Lyuda P. | 319 |
Khkula J. | 302 |
Aurora T. | 298 |
Jerome S. | 297 |
Noah A. | 271 |
Andre S. | 259 |
Anjelica C. | 257 |
Angelina H. | 252 |
Caroline C. | 243 |
Nathan C. | 221 |