La Mesa Junior High

school logo

H = Honor

O = Owns Actions

W = Works Hard

L = Leads



Rewards are first come first serve basis, are subject to availability, and can be changed/modified/cancelled/added at any time.

$5 Starbucks Gift Card (15 points)

T-Shirts (5 point)

Pop Its (5 point)

Gatorade (15 Points)

Ice Cream (10 point)

Bags of Chips - when available - (5 points)

Sunglasses (15 point)

Fidget Spinners (10 point)

Mini Rubrics Cube (10 Point)

New School ID (5 Point)

La Mesa Lanyard (5 points)


Incentive Point Value Subject to Change.

Incentives are subject to availability.


Donations are welcome and appreciated. Please check out our Amazon Wishlist to donate to our HOWL Store

Please email our Principal if you have any questions.

Top Individuals
ID Points
99076782 658
99068996 600
99077088 558
99077118 423
99070989 387
99076683 384
99076766 351
99074822 327
99064071 313
99076409 304
Grade Levels
Grade Points
7 47,292
8 34,260
Name Points
Panthers 13,176
Dragons 11,335
Griffins 11,114
Matadors 9,481
Falcons 9,382
Wolverines 8,530
Tritons 7,887
Wildcats 5,812
Cougars 4,655
Avg Points Per Member
Points Lookup