Golden Valley High School

PAW POINTS are GV's student reward system where you can participate in GV activities to earn points that can be redeemed for REWARDS!
Click on the LEADER BOARD to see student rankings and who has the most points!!
To find out about more PAW POINT activities, Click on GVHS Events or GVHS Activities
How to get your PAW POINTS:
1. Get your ID Cards scanned
2. Download the "5-Star Students" app to your Apple or Android device from the App Store. Go to an event and "Check In". On the app type in the given "check in code"
How to Earn Paw Points:
- Win a Lunchtime Activity or Rally Game = 5 points
- Participate in Lunchtime Activities or Rally Game = 10 points
- Receive the Cougar Trax Award = 10 points
- Participate in a Dress Up Day = 10 points
- Class Representative attendance at Student Council Meetings = 10 points
- GPA per semester = 10-25 points
- Participate in Talent Thursdays = 15 points
- Attend a Sporting Event = 20 points
- Participant in Spirit Jam Skit = 20 points
- Perfect Attendance per quarter = 25 points
- No Tardies per quarter = 25 points
- Attend Homecoming = 25 points
- Participate in Theater Performance, Mr. GV, or Talent Show = 25 points
- Attend Dances = 25- 50 points
- Participate in Club or Sport = 50 points
- Participate in Blood Drive = 50 points
Paw Point Rewards:
- GV Sticker = 20 Points
- Snack Cash @ Nutrition Break = 50 Points
- Game Pass = 50 Points
- Candy Bar = 50 Points
- GV Eye Blacks = 50 Points
- GV Lanyard = 50 Points
- GV Earbuds = 75 Points
- Cougar Pop Socket= 100 Points
- GV Paw Bandanna = 150 Points
- GV Spirit Shirt = 150 Points
- GV Mug/ Tumbler = 175 Points
- ASB Card = 200 Points
- GV Hat = 200 Points
- 1 Sober Grad Ticket = 300 Points
- GV Reversible Sweatshirt = 400 Points
- GV 1/4 zip long sleeve = 350 Points
- 1 Extra Graduation Ticket = 500 Points
- Yearbook = 1000 Points
- 1 Grad Nite Ticket = 1500 Points