El Diamante High School

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Welcome to the El Diamante High School 5 Star site!
Welcome to El Diamante High School 5 STAR website. This app will allow you to check into events, get points (rewards), and receive updates. You can access everything on this webpage, or on the app (available on iOS and Android). 


Top Individuals
ID Points
Yixuan L. (12) 371
Noah C. (11) 359
David V. (11) 299
Kaimely B. (11) 297
Grace Y. (12) 279
Brooklyn B. (11) 269
Cali W. (12) 254
Alyssa I. (12) 238
Jayda T. (10) 224
Jaden O. (11) 214
Grade Levels
Grade Points
12 26,545
9 24,887
11 24,068
10 17,684
Points Lookup