Buhach Colony High School

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How do you earn points?

Find out who in the Colony is leading with the most Gold Points: Click on LEADERBOARD above


Want to cash in your points for FREE ITEMS? Click on "REDEEM YOUR GOLD POINTS" below.


You can keep track of your 5-Star GOLD points, check into events and much more on the new 5-Star Students App! You can get it by searching "5-Star Students" in the App Store or Google Play store. It is a free app. Just select California and find our school to login. It is easy!


How to Earn Gold Points:

  • 50 pts=Participating in a sport (points awarded at the end of the season) 

  • 30 pts=Being a member of a club (points awarded at the end of each semester club must submit attendance under “Clubs” on website 80% attendance) *Rolled over from 2019-2020

  • 20 pts=Earning a 3.0-3.49 GPA a semester

  • 30pts=Earning a 3.5-3.9 GPA a semester

  • 50 pts=Earning a 4.0 or higher GPA a semester

  • 10=Attend “Gold Point” sporting events

  • 10 pts=Attend dances

  • 10 pts=Attend drama productions

  • 5  pts=Participate in a dress-up days 

  • 20 pts=Nominated for a  P.R.I.D.E award by BC staff

  • 25pts=Golden Hammer recipient

  • 25pts=Student of the Week recipient

  • 25pts=Perfect attendance each quarter

Rewards and Incentives


Gold Points Rewards!





Black & Gold Bead necklace=50 pts!

Gold/Black Under Eye Sticker=50 points!

BC Lanyard=50 points!

Black Sunglasses=150 points!

BCHS Sticker=200 points! (2  styles)

Thor Iron-on Patch=200 points!

Thunder Bandana=200 points!

Starbucks $10=200 points!

Sonics $10= 200 points!

Jamba Juice $10 Gift Card=200 points!

Panda Express $10=200 points!

BCHS T-shirt=200 points!

BCHS Sweatshirt=300 points!

Yearbook=700  points!

* rewards have limited quantities available 


Points Lookup