Highland Park High School

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GIANT Pride Points!

HPHS wants you to make this the best four years of your life.  Be a part of one school, one team, one crew!  Join an activity, be an athlete or attend events and earn points to be recognized.  You will receive an email from Mrs. Friedrich explaining how to claim your prizes or you can redeem them via the app once you have earned a certain number of GIANT Pride Points. (GPPs)  Everyone has a chance to earn points during the school day or at school events.  See the events that you can attend to be awarded GPPS.  You will need to look for someone with a scanner to be awarded your GPPs and be counted!  It's going to be a GIANTastic Year!! 

CLICK HERE to learn more!!

Top Individuals
ID Points
2204728 0
2205928 0
2210910 0
2211703 0
2212132 0
2212340 0
2212366 0
2212431 0
2214875 0
2214932 0
Grade Levels
Grade Points
12 0
11 0
10 0
9 0
Points Lookup