A B Miller High School

Show Your PRIDE!!!
Participation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Empathy

During the 2022-2023 school year, A.B. Miller is revitalizing 5-Star to reward students for being exemplary members of our school community!!!


If you don't have the app already, click this link to download it on your iPhone or Android phone.


5-Star enables you to earn points for exceeding behavior and academic expectations and for getting involved in school activities.


Want to know how to earn points and what you can spend them on?

Scroll Down!

Top Individuals
ID Points
Andres Z. 12000
Jasmine M. 2695
Victoria C. 2542
Perla B. 2445
Alejandra G. 2395
Ahtziri A. 2390
Jaden C. 2365
Dulce C. 2216
Jacob V. 2210
Melanie I. 2075
Grade Levels
Grade Points
9 194,535
10 178,690
11 159,755
12 134,570
Points Lookup