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This club will work to create a newspaper for the high school that will publish articles following a variety of subjects, such as event advertising, event recaps, sports/club recognition, and other entertainment topics ranging from events in the world to player/member profiles of either seniors or something of the sort for clubs and sports at Stargate. The newspaper itself will be put together by using a website that will contain the news articles and will be linked to the Stargate website. This will allow easy access to the newspaper and will be less expensive for us to produce. We will meet either weekly or biweekly, as it would allow us to publish often, yet allow time for writing and planning. Meetings will be held on Monday's during lunch in Ms. Krill's room. Each article will be assigned its own publication date based on its importance and the topic. This will be beneficial for Stargate because it will allow those with a passion in writing to pursue this in a way that is not for a grade and is meaningful to a variety of people. This is also a great opportunity to assist other clubs with advertising and bring up school participation in general.